Welcome to Wisteria Goldens Previous Litters Puppies photo gallery.
This is where we have gathered our English Cream Golden Retriever Previous Litters Puppies Photo Album Litter Pages and #Hashtags for each litter. You’ll find each litter’s six-week playtime video (for 2015 litters forward), as well as available pictures on the Litter Pages. The photo gallery spans over a decade of puppies we have welcomed into our Wisteria Ranch family. Beginning in 2015 and forward we have a larger online album than previous years.
Note: Please let me know if a litter has not been listed in our Previous Puppies Photo Gallery yet. Thank you for understanding.
There are two ways to locate previous puppies in the gallery. Puppy’s Year of Birth (Litters Born 2006-2014) or Puppy’s Year of Birth and Parent’s Names (for Litters Born 2015 forward).
Previous Litters Page – When was your puppy born?
Gallery Home Page:
Litter Mate Update to share photos with the families of your puppy’s litter
Post a picture on Instagram and include two tags. #wisteriagoldens and, Your Litter Hashtag (2015-2018 litter hashtags are listed below).
If your puppy’s litter is not between 2015-current you can create your own hashtag. These #Hashtags are created with 1. Mother’s Name and 2. Two-Digit Month Day Year. Here is an Example: #piper052918 is Piper Litter Born 05/29/18 leaving out the slash ( / ) symbols so the hashtag will not break.
2024 Previous Litters
Previous Litters Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2024
01-02-2024 Summer/Chance #summer010224
06-19-2024 Gracie/ Tahoe #gracie061924
2023 Previous Litters
Previous Litters Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2023
03-07-2023 Summer/Chance #summer030723
03-17-2023 Chloe/Chance #chloe031723
03-25-2023 Raine/Ego #raine032523
03-26-2023 Misty/Theo #misty032623
03-29-2023 Evie/Ego #evie032923
03-31-2023 Raven/Ego #raven033123
04-11-2023 Faith/Tahoe #faith041123
12-07-2023 Chloe/Chance #chloe120723
12-27-2023 Raine/Ego #raine122723
12-30-2023 Brea/Theo #brea123023
2022 Previous Litters
Previous Litters Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2022
02-05-2022 Marley/Chance #marley020522
02-13-2022 Raven/Ego #raven021322
02-27-2022 Faith/Theo #faith022722
05-25-2022 Misty/Theo #misty052522
06-04-2022 Summer/Chance #summer060422
o6-13-2022 Stella/Tahoe #stella061322
07-19-2022 Keeva/Chance #keeva071922
10-03-2022 Brea/Theo #brea100322
11-19-2022 Hope/Theo #hope111922
2021 Previous Litters
Previous Litters Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2021
02-08-2021 Faith/Theo #faith020821
03-17-2021 Summer/Chance #summer031721
03-19-2021 Raine/Ego #raine031921
03-20-2021 Trinity/Rocky #trinity032021
03-25-2021 Brighton/Chance #brighton032521
03-31-2021 Hope/Tahoe #hope033121
04-05-2021 Brea/Theo #brea040521
06-21-21 Marley/Chance #marley062121
06-29-2021 Promise/Tahoe #promise062921
06-29-2021 Harper/Chance #harper062921
07-03-2021 Raven/Ego #raven070321
09-29-2021 Stella/Tahoe #stella092921
10-08-2021 Misty/Theo #misty100821
10-22-2021 Summer/Chance #summer102221
12-03-2021 Raine /Ego #raine120321
12-05-21 Brighton/Chance #brighton120521
12-13-2021 Brea/Theo #brea121321
12-14-2021 Keeva/Chance #keeva121421
12-24-2021 Harper/Chance #harper122421
2020 Previous Litters
Previous Puppies Photo Album for Litters born 2020
03-16-2020 Promise/Tahoe #promise031620
04-24-2020 Marley/Chance #marley042420
04-29-2020 Raven/Ego #raven042920
05-01-2020 Harper/Chance #harper050120
05-12-2020 Brighton/Chance #brighton051220
07-05-2020 Keeva/Chance #keeva070520
08-07-2020 Hope/Tahoe #hope080720
08-07-2020 Brea/Ego #brea080720
08-12-2020 Misty/Rocky #misty081220
08-24-2020 Raine/Ego #raine082420
08-29-2020 Trinity/Tahoe #trinity082920
11-21-2020 Promise/Tahoe #promise112120
11-23-2020 Harper/Chance #harper112320
11-29-2020 Marley/Chance #marley112920
12-05-2020 Raven/Ego #raven120520
Previous Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2019
01-06-2019 Keeva/Chance #keeva011619
01-10-2019 Marley/Chance #marley011019
01-11-2019 Breeze/Tahoe #breeze011119
01-15-2019 Sailor/Tahoe #sailor011519
04-09-2019 Sunny/Ego #sunny040919
04-19-2019 Jazz/Ego #jazz041919
04-20-2019 Angel/Chance #angel042019
06-27-2019 Promise/Tahoe #promise062719
06-29-2019 Brighton/Chance #brighton062919
08-05-2019 Harper/Chance #harper080519
10-07-2019 Raven/Ego #raven100719
10-07-2019 Marley/Chance #marley100719
10-08-2019 Keeva/Chance #keeva100819
12-19-2019 Jazz/Ego #jazz121919
12-26-2019 Piper/Ego #piper122619
Previous Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2018
01-07-2018 Sunny/Ego #sunny010718
04-01-2018 Breeze/Ego #breeze040118
05-29-18 Piper/Ego #piper052918
06-05-2018 Sailor/Ego #sailor060518
07-31-2018 Jazz/Chance #Jazz073118
08-06-2018 Promise/Ego #promise080618
08-11-2018 Sunny/Tahoe #sunny081118
08-13-2018 Angel/Chance #angel081318
08-25-2018 Brighton/Chance #brighton082518
12-30-2018 Piper/Ego #piper123018
Previous Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2017
2-17-2017 Piper-Ego #piper021717
5-08-2017 Sunny-Tahoe #sunny050817
5-08-2017 Sailor-Ego #sailor050817
5-14-2017 Jazz-Ego #jazz051418
8-08-2017 Breeze-Ego #breeze080817
9-28-2017 Piper-Ego #piper092817
11-17-2017 Sailor-Chance #sailor111717
11-24-2017 Angel-Chance #angel112417
12-03-2017 Jazz-Ego #jazz120317
Previous Puppies Photo Album: Litters born 2016
We have 12 litters in the 2016 previous puppy photo album.
1-25-16 Holly-Thor #holly012516
1-29-16 Angel-Ego #angel012916
1-30-16 Sunny-Ego #sunny013016
4-20-16 Aria-Thor #aria042016
5-4-16 Breeze-Ego #breeze050416
5-20-16 Halo-Ego #halo052016
6-26-16 Piper-Ego #piper062616
10-10-16 Sunny-Thor #sunny101016
10-19-16 Jazz-Ego #jazz101916
10-24-16 Sailor-Ego #sailor102416
12-12-16 Breeze-Ego #breeze121216
12-19-16 Halo-Ego #halo121916
Previous Puppies Photo Album: Litters Born in 2015
Aria/Ego (01-25-2015) #aria012515
Halo/Ego (04-08-2015) #halo040815
Angel/Ego (04-27-2015) #angel042715
Sunny/Ego (06-04-2015) #sunny060415
Holly/Thor (06-12-2015) #holly061215
Harmony/Thor (06-13-2015) #harmony061315
Aria/Thor (10-24-2015) #aria102415
Halo/Ego (10-26-2015) #halo102615
Breeze/Ego (10-29-2015) #breeze102915
Piper/Ego (11-02-2015) #piper110215
Harmony/Thor (12-30-2015) #harmony123015
Previous Litters Hashtags
Hashtags are created with Mother’s Name and Two-Digit Month Day Year Example #piper052918 is Piper Litter Born 05/29/18 leaving out the slash ( / ) symbols so the hashtag will not break.
Wisteria Goldens : English Cream Golden Retrievers
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to our families to support and increase the optimal health of their puppies, as well as into adulthood increasing the longevity of their life!
Join our fastest growing “Happy Families” community on Instagram! Use #wisteriagoldens and your puppy’s litter social hashtag.