We enjoy reading comments from our readers!

There are times when the comments include personal information and are not published (we keep your personal information private). So, Instead of publishing the comment, we reply personally. Our comments policy keeps confidentiality in high regard. You are also welcome to submit questions to us via our contact page here.

Our Comments Policy on Wisteria Goldens Blog

Our Comment Policy Guidelines:

Please keep comments on topic and be respectful of everyone. Thank you.

We will delete and report spam without notification. If you believe your comment was removed in error please contact us here. But, remember, we don’t always publish comments we receive (as explained above). If you have questions about our comments policy please contact us.

Wisteria Goldens : English Cream Golden Retrievers

Our puppies are raised as part of our family, until they become part of yours!

Available Puppies  icon silver paw on green background  Trained Puppy Availability  icon silver paw on green background  Adoption Process

We love to provide information, in our Blog Articles & Wisteria Tails Newsletter,

to our families to support and increase the optimal health of their puppies, as well as into adulthood increasing the longevity of their life!

Join our fastest growing “Happy Families” community on Instagram! Use #wisteriagoldens and your puppy’s litter social hashtag.

 Affiliate Disclosure Statement