Rose and Radar Happy Families Puppy UpdateRose (Trinity/Rocky) & Radar (Sailor/Chance)

Rose is coming up on 10 months old and she is healthy and full of energy. She loves her Uncle Radar (Sailor/Chance) and he is 4 years old. They are pretty much inseparable and love to be around us all the time. We are so happy to have gotten both (Radar & Rose) from Wisteria Goldens. They are a perfect fit for our family & they make us happy everyday. We love our fur babies💕.

03-20-2021 Trinity/Rocky #trinity032021

11-17-2017 Sailor-Chance #sailor111717

Previous Update here: Rose (Trinity/Rocky) & Radar (Sailor/Chance)

Happy Families Puppy Update

English Cream Golden Retrievers and their Happy Wisteria Goldens Families tell us about their puppy’s everyday delights, In-Training progress, or special achievements. We love hearing from families about their Wisteria Goldens dogs and puppies! Golden Achievements will be showcased here: Golden Achievers

To submit an update about your Wisteria Goldens Puppy, please fill out the form here.

Include a Litter Hashtag: These #Hashtags are created with 1. Mother’s Name and 2. Two-Digit Month, Day, Year, (mm/dd/yy)  without the / symbol. Here is an Example: #piper052918 is Piper Litter Born 05/29/18 leaving out the slash ( / ) symbols so the hashtag will not break.

Wisteria Goldens : English Cream Golden Retrievers

Our puppies are raised as part of our family, until they become part of yours!

Available Puppies  icon silver paw on green background  Trained Puppy Availability  icon silver paw on green background  Adoption Process

We love to provide information, in our Blog Articles & Wisteria Tails Newsletter,

to our families to support and increase the optimal health of their puppies, as well as into adulthood increasing the longevity of their life!

Join our fastest growing “Happy Families” community on Instagram! Use #wisteriagoldens and your puppy’s litter social hashtag.

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