Essential Oil Precautions for Dog Owners

If you have been doing research to find out what Essential Oils are safe and effective for dogs this is a great article to set your mind at ease. The controversy about Essential Oil Precautions isn’t as confusing as it may seem at first glance. The primary reason we see, contributing to the mixed information, is generally because people are talking about different grades of essential oils. My favorite brand is pure, organic, and safe when used as directed.

Dosing is another factor contributing to the controversy. Remember dogs are smaller than us. It is important to keep dose comparative to dog size and what works. To keep dosing consistent use carrier oils.

Talk with me! Each dog has specific health, age, temperament, and other factors important in the decision about using essential oils. It is also a good idea to educate yourself and your veterinarian, to ensure all of the perspectives unique to your dog are discussed before you begin a routine or medicinal treatment.

Essential Oil Precautions for Dog Owners

  • Use essential oils in small doses (a drop or two) diluted with carrier oils such as olive oil or coconut oil for example.
  • Use essential oils aromatically and topically (avoiding sensitive areas such as eyes, nose, etc).
  • Avoid using essential oils, unless prescribed by a practitioner, on puppies under 12 weeks old or elderly.

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Learn More about Essential Oils by visiting these online and live resources, events, and workshops.

Essential Oil Precautions for Dog OwnersFacebook Events and InformationArkansas Natural Alternatives Meetup

Our pets are benefiting from essential oils, as we use them because they are in close proximity to us. We can listen to them and provide opportunities, noting what works, and listening to our intuition about what they like the best.

Read More Getting Lifestyle Right Series

natural food and pet products because they depend on you

We love to provide information to our families to support and increase optimal health of their puppies, as well as into adulthood increasing the longevity of their life!

The brand you feed is the most important decision you can make as a pet parent.

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English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies Foundational Start Routin Wisteria Goldens Ranch Newborn to eight weeks training and socialization schedule.

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