Dog Obesity Facts is an important article for every pet owner to read. When a dog has unwanted pounds they could go noticed until the regular checkup at the Veterinarian. Be sure to respond right away to the weight results, with an increase in exercise, and a change in calorie intake.
It is important to remember being overweight causes stress on the joints which can lead to health problems especially for developing puppies/young adults.
It isn’t surprising to be slow to notice there is a problem. The fact is dog obesity is becoming more common and generally speaking the problem arises over time. A few pounds (5-7 ) of unwanted weight on a dog can be more problematic than 7-12 unwanted pounds for pet parents.
Determining Ideal Weight is important and unique to each dog. Just as weight recommendations for people are based on averages, dog weight charts are also based on averages. For example: according to Pet Care RX a Golden’s average weight is: for males: 65-75 lbs; and for females: 55-65 lbs. The average weight here for Goldens doesn’t necessarily apply for ours. We have girls that are 80 lbs and at a good weight.
IMPORTANT: It is important to discuss your dog’s weight goals with your veterinarian to determine his/her optimal weight goals.
Dog Obesity Questions
The ASPCA says “The majority of cases of obesity are related to simple overfeeding coupled with lack of exercise.” So unwanted pounds are less likely to come off when diet is changed without adding a routine of exercise. If you believe your dog may be at risk make an appointment with your veterinarian to evaluate the best course of action for your dog’s age, health, and number of excess pounds. Take this list of Dog Obesity Questions to Ask the Veterinarian:
- What is my dog’s goal weight?
- What will the new calorie intake be?
- How long should your dog exercise each day to best reach the weight target?
- Are there health issues or concerns at this time?
Dog Obesity Meal Planning
I highly recommend Life’s Abundance food, treats, and supplements. I also recommend limiting our dog’s calorie intake (following the LA package recommendations) and specifically avoiding people food and unhealthy treats.
Discuss the new meal plan with every member of your family. If treats have been a part of the weight gain problem be sure to discuss and practice ways to provide praise and attention to your dog without adding unwanted calories.
For an overweight dog the process of correction will often involve behavior changes, meal plan adjustments, and a regular routine of exercise. When the problem is approached with discipline and consistency a dog’s body will show improvement in energy level, weight loss, and well being often within a remarkable time frame.
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