LOVE THEM!!! Beyond expectations, they are an absolute joy;) Ike (black boy) makes my day every morning when he greets me when I take him out of his crate, we have our morning cuddles and then start our day. I’ve owned my townhouse for 2 plus years but I’ve never met more neighbors than when I’m out with him and he loves every minute of it, he’s a neighborhood favorite!! Rocco (red boy, Caroline’s pup) is completely hilarious, your description was perfect, he’s the first to greet you when you come in the door and although he has a ton of energy he loves his cuddles as well. They have brought a ton of joy to our family, we had quite the party when they came home and they came off the flight like champs!

Thank you again for raising such wonderful pups, our family is lucky to have them!
E & C


